May 28, 2020

Pleasing Your Sexy Mistress (part 1)

Mistress Lucy used her feet to move Greg’s hips just a bit, and the new tilt from behind changed the angle of his hips, tilting them just right to start pounding the dildo pressed to the wall against his prostate with every thrust and he couldn’t do a thing to hold back the moan the change shook out of him. It was muffled with the way she was pressing his face into her pussy, his mouth opening wide from around her clit. He must have lost more than a few seconds, since she yanked his head up by his hair, and gave him a light slap across his face. “Did I tell you to stop, Greg?” He couldn’t hold back a wince, or the little tug against her gripping fingers when he looked back down at her wet pussy and tried to get back into it, but her domination kept […]
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