May 20, 2018

    Small Dick For Mommy

    Oh my goodness look at that . You’re so tiny I can’t even call that penis that’s a little tiny baby baby. I know you want to be my SMALL COCK PHONE SEX LOVER. I mean just look at you. Aren’t you embarrassed to call yourself a man . It looks more like a baby’s penis so I can’t consider you a man I have to consider you a baby with a tiny cock like that! I figure we should definitely put you in some type of diaper cause that’s where baby ducks belong. It’s smaller than my pinky I don’t know what you thought you’re going to do with you’re TINY LITTLE PENIs but having sex with me is definitely out of the question all I could do when I thought I would laugh at it and I had to definitely get close up to it to make sure […]
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