June 19, 2018

    Plastic Pants Phone Sex With Crissy!

    This is always a question that comes up way too often in the fetish phone sex community,so lets lay it out on the table and get this abdl debate settled! So the question is, do you use plastic pants? Most adult babies I know would tell me yes of course! I mean think about it.. You don’t want your diaper to leak when it’s soaked and water logged now do you? You need feeling of comfort and security that comes with wearing a pair of plastic pants over your diaper. Then you have the adult babies who don’t really like wearing plastic pants over their diapers. They feel like it’s just too much between them and the diaper and they don’t like feeling too bulky especially when its full! A few leaks here and there during the day is worth the free feeling they get by just being in a […]
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